Clinton's chief strategiest (and, in many people's opinions, mine included, the campaign's chief asshole) Mark Penn has been forced to resign after meeting "with the Colombian ambassador to the United States earlier in the week in his role as [CEO of public relations giant Burson-Marsteller] to discuss the pending U.S.-Colombia trade pact, which Clinton has criticized on the campaign trail."
Penn called it "an error in judgment that will not be repeated." Cheesus.
This goes to show you what an integrity-challenged douche Mark Penn really is; Clinton is publicly opposed to the trade deal, but his pocketbook is so important that he's either too stupid to see that working on the deal would deal a blow to her campaign, too arrogant and self-interested to care, and quite possibly both.
I would say he should have been pushed out a long time ago, except he never should have been a part of her campaign in the first place.
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