Question of the Day

I'm one of those film fans that always loves the villain more than the hero. Come on, they're more interesting, they've got cooler catch phrases, and they've got far more taste when it comes to decorating. And let's face it, "The Joker's Lair" sounds so much cooler than "Stately Wayne Manor."

So, Shakers: Who's your favorite movie villain?

I always cheat, so I'll name three.

The Joker is actually my favorite villain, but I wasn't all that pleased with Jack Nicholson's portrayal. (Can't wait for Heath Ledger's performance this summer!)

First: Favorite suave villain- Vincent Price in The House on Haunted Hill. When speaking of his much-loathed wife, he sneers "She's so amusing," and if contempt had mass, you'd be knocked over the back of your couch.

Second: Favorite frightening villain- Peter Lorre in M. That whistle. Those of you that have seen it know what I mean. If you haven't... rent it!

And finally, the most evillest, most nastiest, most cruellicious, most vicious-ical villain of all time...


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