So earlier today, I wrote a post for Broadsheet (sorry, Katherine) about the same asinine Marc Rudov bullshit Chet posted about earlier.
Now, I know Broadsheet trolls are the specialest trolls in the world--there's apparently an entire arm of the MRA movement devoted to posting letters there--so I wasn't expecting anything different, but just in case anyone is still confused about whether misogyny is real? Like, say, Keith Olbermann, who made Elton John one of the Worst Persons in the World last night for acknowledging that misogyny exists and might just be affecting the first viable female presidential candidate in, you know, ever? You just need to take a look at the letters section there. Is all I'm saying.
P.S. Psst, Keith, if the shoe doesn't fit, DON'T WEAR IT, for fuck's sake. And if you insist on wearing it, just might be that it fits.
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