Advisers to Sen. John McCain's presidential bid say he will not try to "soften" the Republican party's platform on abortion and same-sex marriage to appeal to more voters.Yeah, why would anyone think that McCain might want to change the platform? I mean, sure, McCain once said that the GOP-sponsored Federal Marriage Amendment to ban same-sex marriage was "antithetical in every way to the core philosophy of Republicans…[and] usurps from the states a fundamental authority they have always possessed and imposes a federal remedy for a problem that most states do not believe confronts them," but that was back when being a maverick meant challenging Bush-Republican orthodoxy, not gently making sweet, sweet love to it in a sustained public peep show for all the conservatives who like watching war heroes fuck their integrity, but don't like thinking about boys kissing.
McCain associates told The Washington Times that his operatives are not going to work behind the scenes to eliminate the party's calls for constitutional bans on abortion and homosexual marriage before the GOP convention in September.
…[A McCain camp adviser, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said], "Do you think we are crazy? Why would we want to change the platform?"
What a Maverick!
The feisty maverick who brags about how he challenges the Beltway status quo and goes against the GOP grain when it's the right thing to do has taken a bold stance on his party's platform on abortion and gay rights: "Whatever you say, guys!"
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