Roger Ebert will resume writing reviews later this month, but will not rejoin his syndicated TV show because he's still unable to speak.I adore Roger Ebert, and my movie-going experience is not the same without his input; it really isn't. He's more important than popcorn!
In a letter published in Tuesday's Chicago Sun-Times, the Pulitzer Prize-winning film critic and co-host of TV's "Ebert & Roeper" said surgery in January ended in complications, and his ability to speak was not restored. He said the return of speech would require another surgery.
"But I still have all my other abilities, including the love of viewing movies and writing about them," Ebert said.
Ebert, 65, said he's looking forward to his annual film festival starting April 23. "I will resume writing movie reviews shortly thereafter," he said.
Btw, if you're ever in a shitty mood and need a good laugh, go to and do an advanced search for all his film reviews in which he bestowed zero stars. Priceless.
His Freddy Got Fingered zero-star review contains one of my favorite lines ever about sucktastic film: "This movie doesn't scrape the bottom of the barrel. This movie isn't the bottom of the barrel. This movie isn't below the bottom of the barrel. This movie doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence with barrels." Love it!
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