House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was recently "forced to intervene with Defense Secretary Robert Gates" in order to get Rep. Tammy Baldwin's (D-WI) "domestic partner on a military flight for a congressional fact-finding trip to Europe." While House rules allow spouses to travel with members of Congress on such missions, "military officials were apparently unwilling to consider" Baldwin's partner "a 'spouse' within the meaning of the House guidelines." Pelosi's effort was successful, but the Politico reports that "[t]he Pentagon appears to be self-conscious about transporting gay domestic partners at a time when it continues to enforce a 'don't ask, don't tell' policy in its own ranks." Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), another openly gay lawmaker, suggested the military is perhaps "following orders" because "the [Bush] administration disapproves of same-sex marriage."Domestically, how ignorant and bigoted. Internationally, how embarrassing. Other industrialized nations are legalizing same-sex marriage with hardly a fight, and we're still bickering over this ridiculous bullshit. It's so juvenile. When the hell is America going to grow the fuck up?
Yet Another in an Infinite String of Reasons Why We Need Federal Marriage Equality Now
Nancy Pelosi has better things to do with her time:
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