This is the first chance I've had to get online today, and I'm about to run off again, so I haven't had the opportunity to do a post on the whole Clinton/RFK dust-up. I saw, however, that there's a discussion taking over the Virtual Pub, which is so not the place for it, so I just wanted to quickly open an appropriate place for discussion with my apologies that I don't have more time to spend on it today.
Briefly, my opinion is that it was an ill-considered statement that warranted an apology, irrespective of intent. FWIW, I don't think she intended to suggest anything nefarious, but it was not a particularly sensitive example to use to make her point, and careless in its disregard of the history of violence against black leaders. It was inevitable, and of course not unreasonable, that people would consider her competitor Obama within the frame she built, to upsetting results, even if she didn't specifically mention him.
As I've said before, an apology after erring is not about the original intent; it's about the result. It's about making amends. When I step on someone's foot unintentionally, I still say "I'm sorry."
UPDATE: Also, I want to quickly note, when I step on someone's foot unintentionally and say I'm sorry, that doesn't give them license to premeditatedly punch me in the nose and claim I deserved it. Clearly, the usual suspects are seeking to deliberately misconstrue Clinton's statement for maximum outrage-ginning, and I don't guess I need to give you my opinion on that.
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