Does Not Compute

Grodius Maximus:

Some computer keyboards carry more harmful bacteria than a toilet seat, according to new research. Consumer group Which? said tests at its London offices found equipment carrying bugs that could cause food poisoning.

Out of 33 keyboards swabbed, four were regarded as a potential health hazard and one harboured five times more germs than one of the office's toilet seats.

A microbiologist ordered the worst keyboards to be so dirty he ordered it to be removed, quarantined and cleaned. It had 150 times the recommended limit for bacteria - five times as filthy as a lavatory seat tested at the same time, the research found.
I have nothing intelligent to say about this story. I just wanted to make a graphic of a keyboard reading "POOP."

Also: I played in a foul creek when I was a kid, made mud pies filled with disgusting junk, pet every stray or wild animal that came near me, and bit my filthy fingernails until college. Dirty keyboards don't scare me.

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