Hillary Sexism Watch, #101

Oh, you didn't think it was over, did you? Of course it isn't! The Wall Street Journal has fake concession speeches to write, and the wanktastic wankstains of the New York Post have covers to produce like this wankgasmic piece of wankery:

If you need explained to you why that qualifies as sexism, you're at the wrong blog. I will, however, take a moment to congratulate the Post on their embrace of the old-skool "Man and Wife" construction, which has long since been replaced among most enlightened people with "Husband and Wife." Anyone who suggests they did it purely for practical reasons re: page layout (while naturally ignoring that design convenience is not a justifiable rationale for sexism) is gonna get clocked with a teaspoon. Fair warning.

I'm getting grumpy about being the go-to grrl for this shit. I'd like to write about something else, but I fear if I don't keep going, it won't get written about at all. Sigh.

(H/T to Shaker Anna Overseas for the WSJ article and Zuzu and Shaker Andy for the NYP cover.)

[Hillary Sexism Watch: Parts One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty-One, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Three, Twenty-Four, Twenty-Five, Twenty-Six, Twenty-Seven, Twenty-Eight, Twenty-Nine, Thirty, Thirty-One, Thirty-Two, Thirty-Three, Thirty-Four, Thirty-Five, Thirty-Six, Thirty-Seven, Thirty-Eight, Thirty-Nine, Forty, Forty-One, Forty-Two, Forty-Three, Forty-Four, Forty-Five, Forty-Six, Forty-Seven, Forty-Eight, Forty-Nine, Fifty, Fifty-One, Fifty-Two, Fifty-Three, Fifty-Four, Fifty-Five, Fifty-Six, Fifty-Seven, Fifty-Eight, Fifty-Nine, Sixty, Sixty-One, Sixty-Two, Sixty-Three, Sixty-Four, Sixty-Five, Sixty-Six, Sixty-Seven, Sixty-Eight, Sixty-Nine, Seventy, Seventy-One, Seventy-Two, Seventy-Three, Seventy-Four, Seventy-Five, Seventy-Six, Seventy-Seven, Seventy-Eight, Seventy-Nine, Eighty, Eighty-One, Eighty-Two, Eighty-Three, Eighty-Four, Eighty-Five, Eighty Six, Eighty-Seven, Eighty-Eight, Eighty-Nine, Ninety, Ninety-One, Ninety-Two, Ninety-Three, Ninety-Four, Ninety-Five, Ninety-Six, Ninety-Seven, Ninety-Eight, Ninety-Nine, One Hundred.]

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