Impossibly Beautiful

Men, they're coming for you:

Yes, that's Clive Owen, the "ruggedly handsome" star of the silver screen, helping Lancôme advertise their new anti-Clive Owen anti-aging product for men.

For the record:

The Patriarchy has heard our many cries about the manifest unfairness that men are allowed to age more gracefully than women, that we are allowed to find aging men lovely, with all their "flaws," their gray hair and rough skin and scars and wrinkles. The Patriarchy has heard us raise our voices to protest the inequity, and it has said: "Let aging men thus be deemed ugly, too."

The Patriarchy has never seen an uneven bar that couldn't be lowered for everyone.

(H/T to The Red Queen. Shaker Anna notes that Jezebel's got a post on this, too.)

[Impossibly Beautiful: Parts One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen.]

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