McCain Scoffs at the Notion He's Got Anger Issues; Publicly Poops on Baby for Spite

McCain jokes about reputation for temper:
Republican John McCain pretended to snarl when asked about his temper Wednesday.

"How dare you ask that question!" McCain said, chuckling.
What a cut-up!
McCain, whose temper has earned him the nickname "Senator Hothead" by more than one publication, said he does get angry — about corruption and runaway spending in Washington. "You know something, the American people are angry, too, and they're not going to take it anymore," he said.
Too true. That's the best endorsement I've heard for the Democratic nominee yet!

McCain then reminded reporters once again that they should dutifully print that he is not angry, before storming off to a quick baby seal clubbing session at the Angry Old White Gentlemen's Club.

John McCain: At least he never punched anyone.

[Tip o' the hap to Shaker Limes for the headline.]

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