Misogyny/Rape/Murder Are Hee-larious!

[Trigger warning.]

Shaker Jeremy forwarded me the below video, currently ranked in the top 10 at Vimeo, and I really debated posting about it, because I wasn't sure I wanted to give it more attention. But, in the end, that concern was outweighed by the consideration that if I didn't post about it, there might be no direct counter-balance to it. So, teaspoons.

In the video, a group of male co-workers bored at work begin to chant Boys v. Girls as a challenge. Thing is, there's only one female in the group, so it's essentially all the boys ganging up on one girl to torment her...brutalize her...violate her...and eventually kill her. Then they're seen dragging her body into a storage area for the dead bodies of all the other female co-workers with whom they've evidently played this fun game.

If it were ironic, it would be a pretty devastating commentary on misogyny, the rape culture, male privilege, and female tokenism. But it's not ironic—or, if it is, that objective has been lost on most viewers, as the 126 comments and counting reveal; it's just "hilarious." Which shows, at best, why this sort of "comedy" is a dangerous game to play.

I don't even know what I can say anymore, that I haven't said at least 21 times or so already.

[Rape is Hilarious: Parts One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty-One.]

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