Shaker David emailed me about this reader post at TPM, rightfully calling out more insane sexism at HuffPo, this time directed at Obama, and referencing the New York Post op-ed about how Obama could be the first woman president.
As I said before, the fact that Democratic male candidates have been routinely demeaned using misogynistic and homophobic (and usually some combination thereof) rhetoric should have made progressives determined to combat the ugly sexism which has pervaded this primary, irrespective of at whom it was directed.
Instead, we've mostly failed utterly to defend Clinton, and an alarming number of supposed progressives joined in the "fun" and piled on, so instead of sweeping into the general on a cresting wave of misogyny-busting awesomeness, we're shuffling in with most of our swords dulled by wanton hypocrisy.
And yeah, even though Obama has occasionally not practiced what he preaches, and he and his key campaign staff have occasionally traded on sexism, I'm still going to defend him against sexist attacks anyway, because that's how feminism works and I am a feminist.
My sword is sharp as fuck, and I intend to keep it that way.
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