I was astonished to find that Bark Bark Woof Woof has been nominated in the category Best National Blog: blogs written by Floridians that cover primarily national politics in the Florida Progressive Coalition's 2008 Netroots Awards.
I'm also nominated for Best Writer: "Anyone whose writings is published at any of the above websites is eligible for this one. Winners should have one or more of the following qualities: good grammar and presentation, provides original reporting, has a good sense of humor, shows creativity, has a strong personal touch, or has an affect on the real world because of their writing."
I'm up against some really good people, including Brian at Incertus, so I kind of feel like the Detroit Tigers taking on the Boston Red Sox, but it really is an honor to be recognized for my work.
Go here to vote. Polls remain open until June 1. Also, check out the other categories and nominees; there is some really good writing being done here in Florida.
(HT to SFDB.)
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