How many times during the primary did we hear that Hillary Clinton was so self-absorbed, so drunk with ambition, so mad with the need for power that she would do anything—anything!!!11!—to get the Democratic nomination? How many times did we hear that from ostensible progressives, even in the comments threads of this very blog? I can't even imagine how many times I read that shit over the past few months.
Clinton Donors Urged To Back Obama: "Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's top national fundraisers convened a series of conference calls today with major donors in various regions around the country to urge them to throw their financial weight behind Sen. Barack Obama—sooner rather than later. The calls were led by Jonathan Mantz, the Clinton campaign's finance director, and were cast as a follow-up on Clinton's appeal for unity during her concession speech over the weekend."
Clinton Asks Pledged Delegates To Support Obama: "Multiple Democratic sources say that Sen. Hillary Clinton, in a series of private conversations and conference calls, continues to urge her pledged delegates to vote for Barack Obama at the Democratic National Convention. Clinton plans a series of calls with superdelegates, interest groups and state delegations over the next few days. (One of them took place last night, according to this report from Iowa's Quad Cities-Globe-Gazette.)"
Et cetera.
Do you think any of the people who went on and on about what a reckless, power-questing, narcissistic, voraciously and dangerously selfish person she is are even the slightest bit ashamed of themselves? Or just fucking embarrassed for being so wrong?
Me, neither.
(I don't guess I need to point out how neatly those charges just happen to fit into existent historical frames used to demonize powerful women, or explain why I find that relevant.)
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