Black & Green Wednesday: LaVena Johnson

Good Sunday to you, Shakers! This post is particularly directed to readers in the St. Louis area:

The Gateway Greens Alliance and the Universal African Peoples Organization are sponsoring a panel discussion on the matter of PFC LaVena Johnson. The event, free and open to the public, will take place on Wednesday, June 4, at 7 pm at Legacy Books & Cafe, 5249 Delmar (near Union) in St. Louis.

The panelists include:

  • Lionel Nixon, African Newsworld newspaper [moderator]
  • Dr. John Johnson, father of LaVena Johnson
  • Redditt Hudson, American Civil Liberties Union
  • Michael McPhearson, Veterans For Peace

I'm going to try to make it, but may not be able to due to a another engagement. There is more information available at the Gateway Greens Alliance website. Thanks!

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