As you may recall, Monday's Quote of the Day was one of John McCain's "most trusted political advisers," Charlie Black, noting that a terrorist attack on US soil before the election would be "a big advantage" to McCain.

This morning, on the Dennis Miller's radio show (Dennis Miller still has a show?!), former top McCain strategist Mike Murphy helpfully explained Black's gaffe:
MURPHY: Well, he's an old friend of mine, so I'll defend him. I don't know what happened. I think there must have been tremendous reporter cleavage involved or something.

MILLER: hahahahahahaha

MURPHY: Charlie got off his focus, he's a good guy, he's apologized for it.
For the record, the reporter who wrote the story for Fortune magazine whence the quote came is a dude named David Whitford. No word on whether he has mind-addlingly gorgeous cleavage.

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