Is she? Isn't she? Will it be tonight? Tomorrow? Zuh? Wuh? Huh?
Lots of debate. No definitive answers at the moment.
Except, perhaps, that Hillary Clinton will not be the Democratic nominee. For reasons having much less to do with votes or superdelegates or rules or bylaws or any other tangible bits of the electoral process than one might think. For reasons that are not singularly her responsibility, nor ours, nor the Obama campaign's, nor the media's, nor the Democratic Party's; there is plenty of responsibility to go around, and there are no angels among us. That much seems pretty clear at the moment.
Also clear: That John McCain is still a belligerent, no-knowing, lobbied-up asshole who needs to be kept as far away from the White House as possible. And that President Obama's first order of Oval Office business should be sending McCain on a manned mission to Mars.
[Btw: It ought to go without saying, but doesn't so I'm saying it, that my dig at McCain should not be construed to suggest anything about how individual progressives should vote. It was merely intended to convey that I believe in an Obama-McCain match-up, Obama will win. And I will once again link these relevant pieces, which I hope all Shakers who do not yet have them memorized will take the time to read once again: My Vote. Mine. and Feminism 101: "Calling Out Fellow Progressives for Sexism Prevents Unity on the Left."]
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