Her decision came after Democratic members of Congress urged her Wednesday to leave the race and allow the party to coalesce around Mr. Obama.I still don't understand why the Democratic Party is so keen on making this decision for her, given she has legitimate and heretofore respected reasons to stay in (elucidated quite eloquently by DBK here and here), but there it is.
...Her decision came after a day of telephone conversations with supporters on Capitol Hill about what she should do now that Mr. Obama had claimed enough delegates to be able to clinch the nomination. Mrs. Clinton had initially said she wanted to wait before making any decision, but her aides said that in conversations, some of her closest supporters said it was urgent that she step aside.
At the same time, some of Mrs. Clinton’s most prominent supporters – including Democrats who had held back their endorsements until the primaries were over – announced they were now backing Mr. Obama.
Clinton will reportedly host "an event in Washington on Friday to thank her supporters and to express support for Mr. Obama and party unity." Cool.
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