Holy Moly

George W Bush meets Pope amid claims he might convert to Catholicism:
The two men spoke for half an hour in the 12th century Tower of St John, a private area in the Vatican gardens which is used by the pope for private reflection.

…[One Vatican source said] that while the Holy See deplored the war in Iraq, "on ethical matters he has always had a line that is practically identical to that of the Vatican." Mr Bush has spoken out against gay marriage, abortion and stem cell research. He proposed amending the US constitution to "fully protect marriage" as the "union of man and woman as husband and wife".

He has repeatedly made clear his admiration for Benedict and has even claimed to have read some of the pope's theological books.
Has even claimed—LOL!

Apparently the thinking is that since Bush's lapdog good pal Tony Blair converted to Catholicism, Bush might follow suit. Considering he doesn't even go to church or seem to give a flying fart about any of Christianity's major tenets, like caring for the poor and not lying, little stuff like that, and considering that he stands to gain no benefit from even pretending to be religious or God-fearing anymore, I can't imagine why he'd convert. But wev. Maybe he likes the smell of incense. Maybe he heard they use real wine.

What I like about this story is how it reminds me there's a day we'll be rid of this fucknut, and will only hear occasional news items about whatever silly shit he's getting up to in his post-presidency quiescence.

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