And the idiot interviewing Affleck begins the interview with this question: "Three times in eight months—a dangerous place for anyone, especially a father and a husband; why do you go there?"
To his credit, Affleck says the point is not that it's dangerous for him; the point is that it's dangerous for the people who live there.
But what I want to know is: Who the fuck is this moron interviewing him? I know it shouldn't surprise me at this point, but I honestly cannot believe that a person employed by a news program can be so patently ignorant about a rape crisis so horrific that it has been called the worst in the world and prompted the UN's top humanitarian official to describe the prevalence and intensity of sexual violence against women in Congo as "almost unimaginable," that he can say, without a trace of irony, "a dangerous place for anyone, especially a father and a husband."
No, actually. Not especially for him, particularly when he is surrounded by security at all times with a camera on him, possibly creating the first totally safe moment the women and children in the background of his video shoot have had in years—maybe their whole lives.
Of course, the only women Mr. Noozman is worried about are Affleck's wife and daughter, which is why he notes it's dangerous for Affleck as "a father and a husband." Why risk your life for those strangers in Africa when you've got a wife and daughter who need you? is the unspoken question, as if Jennifer Garner and their daughter might wind up on the streets if Affleck died for his silly humanitarian cause.
Meanwhile, if Mr. Noozman had been interviewing Affleck about risking his life doing his own stunts on his latest film, it would have been a journalistic handjob to honor his bravery.
[Video via INO.]
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