Christopher J. Ward, the former NRCC treasurer, improperly diverted as much as $725,000 from the committee to himself over a six-year period, according to several GOP insiders. [...]The thing I love most about this is Mr. Ward's perspective. See, he clearly wasn't worried about increasing the Republican presence in Congress; he just saw the NRCC as an opportunity for himself, which certainly doesn't seem to conflict with the general Republican MO these days. The fact that he totally didn't give a shit about screwing his own people for home improvements is nothing short of priceless.
Ward is under investigation by the Justice Dept. over his alleged embezzlement from the NRCC. On Friday, the Justice Dept. filed a civil forfeiture claim against Ward's home in Bethesda, Md. Court documents filed by DOJ charge that Ward diverted more than $500,000 from the President's Dinner accounts to his own use, using the funds to pay his mortgage and to finance nearly $200,000 worth of home renovations.
Then again, the price tag for Mr. Ward will be pretty steep. Boo-freakin-hoo.
[H/T to the Muck]
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