I was shopping at a record store that I hadn't been to in, oh, at least six years today. I was rather pleased that they had a copy of the re-release of The Residents' quirky, controversially-titled ambient masterpiece, "Eskimo." I picked it up and was listening to it in the car on the way home, and it suddenly hit me that I couldn't remember the last time I bought a CD. I mean, I buy lots of music, but lately it's all digital downloads (or vinyl LPs). This was partially because my CD collection is rather gargantuan and ridiculous, and we don't have the room; partially because with the demise of Tower Records (sob) and the closing of the Chicago Virgin Megastore, there really aren't any large back-catalog record stores in Chicago anymore. Trying to find anything unusual at Best Buy is a fool's errand. So, I've been downloading.* (Curl up and die, music industry!) It was rather weird to actually have liner notes again. I love liner notes.
So, Shakers, what's the last actual CD you purchased?
(*The greatest record store in the world is still Dusty Groove, where I buy all of my music now.)
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