What habit have you tried repeatedly to break, with no success?
I'm a pretty good habit-breaker, when I set my mind to it. I quit smoking a year and a half ago now, after being a hardcore chain smoker who never even dreamed of quitting for 14 years, and, about a month ago, I cut caffeine out of my diet—although I will allow myself the occasional soda or tea or bit of chocolate. I'm not nuts about it; I just didn't want it to be a daily thing anymore.
(I always have a Code Red when we have dinner at Parental Manor, for example, which is not a commentary on the company; it's just a tradition.)
I bit my nails for my whole childhood and straight through university, and I managed to quit that, too—but the one habit which I cannot break is chewing my cuticles. They used to be a constant bloody mess, and now, looking at my hands, only the two pinkies have signs of minimal destruction, lol. But it's a habit of which I cannot seem to rid myself completely.
I picked up this habit from Mama Shakes, btw, who also used to be much more tenacious in her cuticle annihilation, but now not so much.
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