You might have already noticed (here or here or here or here or here or here or here or here…) that I find them eminently diggable—and, more than that, interesting, which has infinitely less to do with their stardom itself than what they choose to do with it.
Long ago, they traded in their teaspoons for big honking tablespoons, and they know how to work 'em—to the tune of $1 million this week alone.
The Jolie-Pitt Foundation has given $500,000 to three groups in [Iraq] which will provide aid for some 5,700 children, said the Education Partnership for Children of Conflict, which is co-chaired by Jolie. Money will pay for basic necessities, including books and supplies to help send Iraqi children to school. Aid will also go to refugee kids, and to school rehabilitation programs.What this article doesn't mention is that Jolie is not just the co-chair of EPCC; she also co-founded it last year. It also doesn't note that the $500,000 going to Iraq includes aid for women, as well as children, via "Women for Women International; The International Rescue Committee; and, part of the United National High Commissioner for Refugees. In all, 5,700 Iraqi children and 300 women will benefit."
The foundation also gave $500,000 to help children in the United States who have a military parent killed in Iraq, or who are separated from a parent stationed in the country. The donation for U.S. kids will go to the Armed Services YMCA Operation Hero Program, which will provide educational tutors and counseling to 2,500 kids.
"We hope to encourage others to give to these great organizations," said Brad Pitt.Teaspoons: Donate to Women for Women International. Donate to the International Rescue Committee. Donate to Donate to the Armed Services YMCA Operation Hero Program. Donate to the Education Partnership for Children of Conflict.
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