
So, Nancy Pelosi apparently finally decided that it was time to speak about the sexism used against Hillary Clinton in the primaries. Wow, talk about timely.

This whole article is just really gobsmacking and depressing, so I'll just give you a few choice quotes.
Pelosi also said that she has been a victim of sexism, "all the time. But I just think it goes with the territory."

"I'll be very honest with you. I had the luxury as chair of the convention of not having to be involved (in the presidential primary)...My politics are about winning the House for the Democrats."

"Is there sexism? Probably so. Is it responsible for the defeat? I really wouldn't have the scientific knowledge, all of the information, to know that. But I do think that being a woman has a positive upside in the campaign, probably offset by more sexism, I don't know.

"Of course there is sexism. We all know that. But it's a given. It's a given. And I think with the next generation, it will be less...

" But I myself find that I get a tremendous upside because being a woman. And I don't spend a lot of time worrying about sexist remarks that people make. Important for our country, though, is to know our country...(it) might be valuable for those who study the American culture and politics.
There's more at the link, if you can stomach it. I'll just say that it's so nice for Pelosi that she had the "luxury" of completely ignoring the sexist attacks against Clinton during the primary until she was as, but hey, it all comes with the territory, right? It's a given. Get over it.

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