President Bush invoked the memory of Thomas Jefferson Friday in welcoming new U.S. citizens at a naturalization ceremony at Monticello, saying "I'll be proud to call you a fellow American."What I love about this country is pretty much wrapped up in that story, right there. And it's got nothing to do with partisan politics, and everything to do with the spirit of yelling with purpose at the goddamned president, no matter who s/he is, even and especially on the Fourth of July.
On his final U.S. Independence Day as president, Bush told an audience Friday at the home of the Declaration of Independence's author that he was honored to be present for the naturalization. Shouts from protesters were heard during Bush's remarks, and the president responded by saying he agrees that "we believe in free speech in the United States of America."
Brand New Americans Celebrate 4th by Heckling President
Welcome to the country, patriots!
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