In The Nation, the former North Carolina senator was memorialized as "Jesse Helms, American Bigot." For its online audience, The Washington Post resurrected a column David Broder produced when Helms announced his retirement: "Jesse Helms, White Racist."To what pond is he referring? Lake Michigan?
The invective streamed in from across the pond as well. "There seemingly wasn't a right-wing, retrograde social issue Helms met that he didn't like," wrote Melissa McEwan in a savage essay on the Guardian's website. "It was . . . his unmitigated intolerance toward people of color that will define his legacy.
Dude, I live in the Midwest. Although I shall henceforth refer to traveling to the East Coast as "crossing the pond."
And that "savage essay" (written for Comment is Free America) includes the line: "The Dixiecrats are falling away, and we may inaugurate our first black president this year, despite their best efforts." We. Our president. He'd have a tough sell trying to convince me that he'd: A) Carefully read my piece; and B) Nonethless came away from it believing I was a Brit.
Now, if you'll excuse me, you cheeky gits, I have a meeting with the barrister at half-noon, and I'm feeling a bit peckish, so I'm going to do a wee fry-up for my elevenses, or maybe have a tin of beans with some bangers and mash, then watch a bit of telly on the chesterfield with a cuppa before I put on my plimsolls and hit the carriageway. Cheerio!
[H/T to Shaker Amit, in comments.]
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