But you know I'm nothing if not accommodating, so here, for your amusement, amazement, and edification, are:
10. Why is heteronormativity part of your post? Why is there? I think I know why its there. Its there for reason and that reason is 'Intelligence'. […] Lady....who gave you permission to use the internet?
9. It's a fucking video game, are you going to complain anytime they have girls in videogames? If they're not fat, they're too sexy, if they're ugly, than their womanizing.
8. Gamers who buy games with racism (you could even mark Call of Duty 4 racist) are not racists. They just like racist jokes.
7. You have been programmed by the matriarchy to regard all gamers as anti-women and shallow.
6. With all pretence of being at all polite pushed aside everything said just comes across as pathetic anger bread of a dissatisfied life.
[Mmm…pathetic anger bread. Can we feature that recipe in Shaker Gourmet, Misty?—MM.]
5. You eat, you get fat. It's a good message.
4. It's people like you who ruin women.
3. lol your fat.
2. I decided anything I posted on this blog would be brushed off as me being a fat hating, homophobic misogynist, so I got my mom to post here instead. She is an overweight woman who has a different opinion than your own, and you call her a fuckneck and ban her.
1. Seriously, learn to logic.
Yeah, Shakers, seriously—learn to logic. And please drop your own faves from the thread of the damned into comments.
And, btw, Shakers—you're totally fooking awesome.
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