Gays, Massachusetts has got your back!
The Massachusetts Senate today passed a bill that would repeal a 1913 state law that prevents gay and lesbian couples from most other states from marrying in Massachusetts.Right on. Every little bit of ammunition helps, so this is an unalloyed good for marriage equality advocates.
...The law originated when lawmakers in many states were trying to prevent interracial couples from crossing state lines to marry. It fell into obscurity for decades. But it received new attention in 2004, when Republican Governor Mitt Romney invoked it after gay marriage was legalized in Massachusetts to prevent out-of-state gay and lesbian couples from marrying here and forcing their home states to consider recognizing Massachusetts marriage law.
Btw, I just love that the GOP has got to turn to laws enacted almost a century ago to justify their antiquated bigotry. How quaint.
[H/T to Shaker Roramich.]
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