SYTYCD: Adam's back judging! w00t!

Yay for Adam! I love him. And did you catch how normal Paula Abdul looked last night? She should so try that on Idol sometime. Anyway...

I bet you all know what routine is first up, right? Katee and Joshua's Tyce DiOrio routine and all its awesomeness:

I love these two. That leap & lift? Holy crow, it gave me chills. Their next routine, the paso doble, was also fabulous. They rock.

My vote for most interesting routine of the evening was Sonya's jazz routine for Mark and Courtney:

Mark and Courtney also had a viennese waltz, which was graceful. Mark did a pretty good job. The use of Idol music annoys me for some reason.

I liked Twitch and Chelsie's mambo:

Personally, I liked that much more than their Napoleon & Tabitha hip-hop routine--both the dancing and choreography.

So. Whatcha think? Who do you think will go and leave us with the final four?

(all videos thanks to "krunkyou" at

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