Their first routine of the night was a Tyce DiOrio broadway routine that also got rave reviews. Theirs weren't the only awesome dances of the evening though:
Comfort and Twitch are paired together and did an amazing job with the hip-hop routine (wardrobe dept: WTF? did you sew tinfoil on Twitch's t-shirt?). Their smooth waltz was generally panned by the judges (totally superficial comment: how hot is Twitch in that rolled-sleeve dress shirt outfit? *fans self*).
New partners Josh and Courtney also brought some hotness with their rumba:
Their first routine was an interesting Dave Scott hip-hop routine that the judges generally liked all right. I don't think either of them are in much danger of going home.
Gev and Chelsie had a very cool contemporary routine choreographed by Sonya:
Their next routine was a jive that Chelsie nailed and, according to the judges, Gev didn't quite. I was still impressed though--those steps looked wicked fast.
The overall disappointing couple last night were Mark and Kherington (two-step and jazz). The two-step really did look uncomfortable to me. I don't know if it was the routines or that their partnership isn't great chemistry-wise or what but I thought they had the worst night of everyone. I also wasn't impressed with Mark's solo last night.
So, what did you think? Who do you think might go? I'm thinking maybe Comfort and Mark.
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