Uh, Guys? We're Still On

Never, ever, ever, ever say what you're really thinking when a camera's pointed at you. Even if you think it's off. Even if you know it's off. Especially especially if you're on Fox news.

Big Bill can barely contain the smug. This must be like a dream come true for him. Actually, I'm amazed that the media isn't screaming that Jackson called for the mutilation of a Presidential candidate.

(Jesse Jackson has apologized.)

(If you can't see the video; I'll try to put together a transcript. Basically, Jesse Jackson, assuming he's off camera, is whispering that Barack Obama is "talking down to black people" over his faith-based social services, and says "I wanna cut his nuts off." Well, that's all you need to know, really.)

(Energy Dome tip to Dlisted.)

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