Shaker Misfitina sends the link to what she (accurately) describes as "5 minutes of horrible fat-hating dialog" between Anthony Bourdain and Ted Nugent. Says M: "Anthony put this on Twitter and it's on the Travel Channel site. Apparently obesity is 'unpatriotic' and it's not the wacked out Libertarian saying that. I'm really depressed by this one, but not surprised by 'the Nug'."
Shaker Anna sends this article about an auction of Queen Victoria's panties. Even though she is so highly regarded that her undergarments can fetch thousands of dollars, it's still hilarious to make fun of how fat she got! Wev.
Shaker Katie sends this item about a club telling fat women to go home because they're "bad for business." Nice graphic, btw. Cheesus.
Meanwhile, Shaker Dean Lewis recommends this article in Time about the myth of moderate exercise, which suggests that it takes a lot more to lose weight than conventional wisdom has us believe.
Shaker Broce passes on "sort of an interesting 'what if' article about how the nation, and the world would have changed had Dukakis been elected in 1988, interspersed with a 'catching up' type interview."
Shaker Jay in Oregon passes on this Wired article about the AutoAdmit debacle with the note: "WTF is up with Daniel Solove? He thinks duels should be reinstated to defend people's reputation? (Oh no, there can't be any coded message about 'protecting a women's virtue' in THAT, can there?)"
And Shaker Jha sends along this brilliant piece from Pravda about a Russian physiologist who believes "that most male diseases are caused by women who adhere to provocative clothes and behaviour. As a result, the Western civilization gradually turns into the society of sexually unsatisfied men and eventually unsuccessful and physically unhealthy men." Who knew blue balls causes male pattern baldness?
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