A. Inflation drives up the price of rat meat in Cambodia.
B. Muslim woman publicly humiliated by being asked to leave a Venetian museum because she wears a niqab, stoking "tension between long-time residents and Islamic immigrants."
C. Australian school revisits its policy banning gymnastics after parents complain.
D. Napoli pizza chefs hand out free pizzas to protest rivals' high prices.
E. German cat survives being walled in beneath a bathtub for seven weeks.
If you said, "OMFG, B. is yet another example of the diminishment of women's lives perpetrated by serious stories about women being included in the Odd News section," give yourself 1,000 points.
(The judges also would have accepted: "OMFG, A. Treating the food crisis in Cambodia as fodder for the quirky news because poor people have to eat rat meat is really bad form" for 750 points.)
[How Odd: Parts One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen.]
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