lol your gauges

Obama goes after McCain some more, to hilarious result:

Transcript: So, I know that Senator McCain likes to call himself a maverick, and the fact is there have been times where, in the past, he did show some independence, but the price he paid for his party's nomination has been to reverse himself on position after position, and now he embraces the failed Bush policies of the last eight years, the politics that helped break Washington in the first place—and that doesn't meet my definition of a maverick. You can't be a maverick when politically it's working for ya, and then not a maverick when it doesn't work for ya and you're seeking your party's nomination.

By the way, while we're on the subject of Senator McCain contradicting himself, a few days ago, somebody asked me what they could do personally to help America save energy. So I said something that some of you have heard, which is all of us could get better gas mileage, and save oil in the process, just by keeping our tires inflated. Turns out the experts agree. Turns out that we could save three to four percent on our total oil consumption just by keeping our cars tuned up and inflating our tires.

Senator McCain and the Republican National Committee, though, mocked the idea. They've been going around sending tire gauges to reporters saying 'Barack Obama's Energy Plan.' Well, that sounded clever, except, last night, after all that, Senator McCain actually said he agreed that keeping our tires inflated was a good idea. [laughter and applause] Which makes sense—because it turns out, uh, NASCAR, which knows something about tires, apparently said the same thing. So did the Triple-A.

And so, in the coming days, it's going to be interesting to watch this debate between John McCain and John McCain.
Atrios calls this "the way to drive McCain crazy." Totally.

[H/T to Shaker Constant Comment. Video via.]

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