Meet Your Twin Messiahs

Way to go, People. Pay $14 million (or part of $14 million or wevthefuck it was) to put one of the most famously multi-racial and adoptive families on the cover of your magazine, then only show the white and biological members. And, ya know, it would have been one thing if it had only been Brangelina and the twins, but you just had to go and stick that picture of their only other white and biological child on the cover, too. I guess Maddox, Pax, and Zahara are just pets.

I know I shouldn't be surprised by this kind of stuff anymore, but that one really smacked me in the face.

(Meanwhile, Jolie and Pitt will, of course, donate to charity the ridiculously exorbitant fees paid for the pictures of their children. My love for them continues unabated.)

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