On the radio…

I had the pleasure of going on NPR’s Tell Me More with Michel Martin this morning to discuss the speculation over whether Clinton supporters are seeking some sort of catharsis at the convention. I had to wake up at the crack of dawn to get my South City ass across town to KWMU-FM in time for the 6:45am interview so I was left hoping I made some kind of sense (wince).

I even broke my personal role and listened to it and, as always, I hate the sound of my voice and thought of a bunch of things to say now that the interview is over.


Mayhap I should have had that extra cup of coffee?

Pause…make note to self about proper coffee consumption prior to radio interviews…continue.

Anyhoo, Michel Martin also took on the story of PFC LaVena Johnson’s death in Iraq, which was ruled a suicide even though evidence points to sexual assault and murder. PFC Johnson’s father is interviewed in the segment…check it out here!

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