Suggested by Shaker Joe: "What role does religious faith (TM) play in your life? With all of the 'persons of faith' stuff being tossed around in the public arena these days, it makes me wonder what role 'faith' or lack thereof, may play in Shakers lives?"
I'm going to request that this thread not be used for opinions about lack of religious belief or religious belief. There are threads for that kind of thing; this isn't one of them. This thread is just a place where people can answer a question about what their faith is or is not, without concern that it will be assailed, whether atheist, Christian, Wiccan, Hindu, wev. Thanks, in advance, for respecting this request.
I'm pretty sure everyone knows what my answer is, but I'm an atheist. (I joke that Iain and I are such resolute atheists we don't even have a dog in the house.) To be very specific, I've got no belief in a conscious, anthropomorphic god. I believe there's a rational, scientific reason for most everything, but I like a bit of magic, too, if you know what I mean. There's something more than breath that separates the living and the dead—some people call that god or the soul or the spirit; I just have a healthy respect for it, by any name.
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