In Good News: Heather Michon takes on the Bad Mother meme in Sarah Palin, Now Starring In "What Kind of a Mother..."
And now the Bad News:
Bill Wolfrum forwarded this classy piece from the WaPo, in which Palin is never even mentioned by name: "John McCain will have to do better than naming Tina Fey his vice presidential choice." Fey is an unapologetic progressive and a feminist, which likely makes the flippant comparison an insult to both women. But they look alike! And that's all that matters when it comes to women, of course.
Shaker Elisabeth sent along some charming t-shirts and a bumpersticker (for which I won't provide links, but I'm sure you can find them if you really want to):
Shaker Veronica passes on this catch by Kate D. in which Yahoo/WSJ headlines Palin's "workout, eating habits." Says Kate: "something tells me this wouldn't be a headline on yahoo this evening if tim pawlenty had been mccain's vp pick."
Shaker Rebecca points to this post at Wonkette (by way of Maru) in which a picture of Anna Nicole Smith sitting on J. Howard Marshall's lap is offered as the new McCain-Palin campaign poster.
Shaker Juliemania finds another charming campaign poster at Slog: McCain/Trollop. I get that it's probably meant to point out that McCain is a sexist pig who reportedly referred to his own wife as a trollop, but that's not the way to do it. Seriously. Because too many people won't get the joke; they'll think the joke is that Palin's a trollop. Irony: FAIL.
More to come, I'm sure. Sigh.
[Sarah Palin Sexism Watch: Parts One, Two, Three. We defend Sarah Palin against misogynist smears not because we endorse her or her politics, but because that's how feminism works.]
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