It is fun for parties and, well, just plain tastes good. This recipe comes from a friend of mine who says that "any day is a fondue day".
If you don't have a fondue set, you can make it in a heavy saucepan and transfer to a little crock pot (or some sort of dish that you can keep warm) to serve.Swiss Cheese Fondue
2 lbs grated cheese (I use Gruyère and Emmenthaler)
Bottle of dry white wine
2 Tbsp corn starch
approx 3/4 cup water + 1/2 cup warm water
Garlic, pepper, freshly ground nutmeg
-Rub the bottom and sides of the fondue pot with a couple cloves of garlic. I use a garlic press and throw them in there after I rub the pan.
-Dilute the corn starch in the 3/4 cup water in a glass
-Heat the wine in the pot but not to boiling. If it boils, turn it down to a low simmer. The amount of wine varies, but I usually start with about a cup to 1 1/2 cups.
-Add the diluted cornstarch and the cheese slowly,in handfuls until the mixture is relatively smooth. Stir vigorously the whole time you're doing this.
-Heat the fondue just to boiling and stir, stir, stir!
-Once the mix has come together and boiled, add another 1/2 cup of warm water and pepper and nutmeg to taste.
-Serve with cut-up crusty bread and have extra pepper for people to use on their plates. Other things you could dip are apples or veggies but I never bother.
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