SYTYCD: Finale!

Whooooo! What did you think?! At some point, I'd like Mary to scream so loud Nigel's head explodes, even as much as that screaming grates on my nerves. Anyway! My favorite routine of the night (and there were many good ones!):

The Trepak


Like I said though, there were many great routines last night:

Joshua & Katee

Josh and Katee's lyrical routine choreographed by Wade Robson. I thought it was a nice routine for them and that it was nice to see an original couple together at the end. This was probably my second favorite of the night.

Joshua and Courtney

Jive! I thought it was fun and looked exhausting. Though I understand what Nigel was saying to a degree, I don't blame them for being tired by that point and Nigel's comments were sniping.

Katee and Twitch

I admit, when I heard "foxtrot", I was like "yikes!". But they did it!

Mia is back for the final four's group routine:

Actually, I liked it. But the costumes for Katee and Courtney? Long sleeves? Ugh, they had to be burning hot.

Twitch and Courtney

Another crazy girlfriend routine? They danced it well, of course, but seriously people...WTF?

The one routine I felt was more "eh" than "wow" was Katee and Courtney's Broadway routine (by Tyce DiOrio):

Not that it was "bad" but just that there was something missing from it for me.

The solos were great as well and I enjoyed the interviews with Cat (who is the best host ever, IMO). I honestly don't know between Katee, Joshua, and Twitch. I don't think Courtney is as popular as the other three, honestly. I like her but I don't think she'll win. So! What did you think? Who do you think will win?

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