Psst - did you hear? Barack Obama is having a torrid affair with George Clooney. It's true. I know this because one of Clooney's publicists offhandedly told me that the actor has indeed stayed at a hotel in Chicago in the past, and, in my mind, that counts as "a confirmation" from Clooney that he has engage in hot, steamy man-on-man action with the candidate and that the two are in constant contact.Read the whole thing here.
I mean, what other details could I possibly need to know? Obama lives in Chicago, Clooney's stayed in a hotel in Chicago… Come on. It's right in front of our faces, people!
If only this were an exaggeration, but it is, instead, barely a satire of precisely what happened Tuesday…
Tabloid Trash and the Media Who Love It
I've got a new piece up at The Guardian's Comment is free America, "The Trashiest of Tabloids," about a truly grim example of why the international media is in serious crisis. It's not just that tabloid journalism sucks; it's that (allegedly respectable) mainstream journalism treats it like it doesn't:
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