(The radar image is from Key West; click on it to see it in action. The local radar was "down for maintenance" at the time. For those of you unfamiliar with the Miami area, Miami Springs is next to Hialeah.)
All I saw was a lot of paper and leaves blowing by my office windows accompanied by lots of lightning and thunder. But they swear they saw a funnel cloud.
Tornadoes in South Florida aren't usually that severe; compared to the ones they get in the Midwest, all they do is blow a lot of stuff against the fence and knock over a few trash cans.
When I joined my colleagues out in the parking lot to wonder at this bit of full-force nature, I said, "Look! There's a dead witch under the house and everything's in color!"
I love referential humor.
Update: Yep, it was a tornado, all right, and it did a little more than knock over a few trash cans.
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