Hey, Look! The Right's Noticed that Sexism Exists!
I haven't watched the Daily Show in a long time, and from what I hear, the folks over there have not been covering themselves in glory where sexism is concerned. But this video? Is why they're awesome. (No, I don't love the comments about Karl Rove's head, but wait until after that.)
ETA: I don't have a transcript, but the video shows various right wing fucknecks talking about how the sexist attacks on Sarah Palin are abhorrent, followed by older clips of them making virtually the same sexist attacks on other women. (E.g., Bill O'Reilly saying Bristol Palin's pregnancy is a private matter and we shouldn't judge, followed by him announcing Jamie Lynn Spears's pregnancy and saying the "pinhead" parents are to blame.) There's also lots of "Hillary needs to quit playing the gender card" followed by "The sexist attacks on Palin are outrageous" stuff.
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