TO: The Cult of the Feminazi Cooter
FROM: Queen Cunt of Fuck Mountain
RE: Rhetorical Update
Dear Bitchez:
Please note, effectively immediately, that the phrase "women's privacy" should be used as the umbrella term to incorporate all of the babykilling objectives on the recently disseminated 2008 Radical Feminist Agenda, including but not limited to:
• Contraception
• Emergency contraception
• Abortion
• Infanticide
• Grinding up babies for pathetic anger bread
This is the new mantra: Women's privacy. Notice that. Very interesting new description. Reproductive health—that could be anything, anything at all. Migraine headache. Panic attack. But "women's privacy" is the key here. So, if you want to have an abortion or even commit infanticide, it's privacy.
It has been brought to my attention that some of you find this position too prosaic and timid for the Cult of the Feminazi Cooter, and that we really need to think outside the box and maybe branch into sacrificial slaughter of innocents and wanton castration, but our budgetary constraints require a limited program this year. Keep up the fundraising at the Gates of Hell, various red light districts, K Street, and wherever else you find concentrated populations of soulless demons, and maybe next year will provide some growth opportunities for the organization.
Thank you for your continued dedication to The Cause.
Best regards,
M. McEwan
Addendum: Please make sure this memo does not fall into the hands of Bill O'Reilly.
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