And Bush was sneering at him.
When I woke up, I remembered how Al Gore was viciously mocked for his "lockbox" campaign theme, everywhere from SNL skits to mainstream debate coverage: "He must have used the word 'lockbox' about 20 times." Even after he'd lost, the media harangued him about his lockbox: "Well, maybe the beard should go into the lockbox!"
Al Gore's lockbox was routinely treated like the butt of a joke. Silly, nerdy, wonky Al Gore with his dorky lockbox!
The Gross National Debt |
Iraq War Cost
Reuters: "Economy Rapidly Weakening"
Today's New York Times:
Today's Washington Post:
Today's Wall Street Journal:
Just sayin'.
Did I describe that as a dream, the thing I had last night? No—it was a nightmare.
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