Almost immediately [after McCain begins speaking], a protestor unfurls a "McCain Votes Against Vets" sign. He shouts. The audience chants "USA!" to drown him out.Read the whole thing here.
McCain tells us that, even though they disagree, he respects Obama, because they "are fellow Americans, an association that means more to me than any other." Given that I'm married to an immigrant who is not a citizen (but who signed a paper agreeing to be first drafted to fight for this country for the privilege of living here), making half my family non-Americans, I'm rather unimpressed with that. Sometimes there are things more important than which country issues your goddamned passport, buddy. In a nation of immigrants, I can't be the only person annoyed by that line.
A Code Pink protester begins to yell and is shouted down by chants of "USA!", then escorted out. So much for that meaningful association with Americans he disagrees with.
Mavericky Delicious
Last of the red hot convention analysis: My review of John McCain's Big Speech for The Guardian's Comment is free America, "John McCain's fight club," is now up.
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