[See larger versions here and here.]
It's pretty clearly Obama in the alligator's mouth; it may even be the official Barack Obama Action Figure. And, aside from the general eliminationist messaging there, this display should be viewed within a historical cultural narrative that frames African-Americans as alligator bait. At the link, you will find an:
Aanalysis of a large collection of artifacts with racist African American imagery reveal[ing] several common themes. One is the portrayal of Black people, especially (often naked) children, as food for alligators. Imagery of Blacks as "alligator bait" can be found on prints, postcards, and even in product advertising. Some modern-day items still connect Black people to hungry alligators."Alligator bait" is even, sickeningly, a recognized ethnic slur, used typically to refer to black children.
Is it possible that an older member from a southern delegation is unaware of that narrative? Yes. Is it likely? No.
And it doesn't really matter, anyway—ignorance may be a reason for bigotry, but it's no excuse.
The RNC should issue an immediately apology to Obama for allowing this sort of shit to go on at their convention. But I won't hold my breath.
[Obama Racism/Muslim/Unpatriotic/Scary Black Dude Watch: Parts One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty-One, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Three, Twenty-Four, Twenty-Five, Twenty-Six, Twenty-Seven, Twenty-Eight, Twenty-Nine, Thirty, Thirty-One, Thirty-Two, Thirty-Three, Thirty-Four, Thirty-Five, Thirty-Six, Thirty-Seven, Thirty-Eight, Thirty-Nine, Forty, Forty-One, Forty-Two, Forty-Three, Forty-Four, Forty-Five, Forty-Six, Forty-Seven, Forty-Eight, Forty-Nine, Fifty, Fifty-One, Fifty-Two, Fifty-Three, Fifty-Four, Fifty-Five, Fifty-Six, Fifty-Seven, Fifty-Eight, Fifty-Nine, Sixty, Sixty-One, Sixty-Two, Sixty-Three, Sixty-Four, Sixty-Five, Sixty-Six, Sixty-Seven, Sixty-Eight, Sixty-Nine, Seventy, Seventy-One, Seventy-Two, Seventy-Three.]
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