So I flip on the teevee this morning. Bad idea. I was hoping to ride my scooter to work today, and after yesterday's torrential downpour and this morning's thick clouds, I figured I'd better check the weather report. The box was still on CNN after watching McCain's drone last night, and I was greeted with this (paraphrasing here):
"Coming up: Sexism in the Presidential Campaign! Everyone is asking about Sarah Palin; her hair, her clothing, her children- but are they legitimate questions, or are they just sexist?"
I start yelling at the television; incomplete sentences ranting that suddenly the media is concerned with sexism when it's directed at a woman they like, or at least, one that conforms to their ideas of how a woman should behave. When it's directed at the woman they consider a castrating bitch harpy, that they've loathed for over a decade they can't be arsed to notice, and I dissolve into incoherent sputtering.
I ride to work in a very bad mood.
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